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Updated: Apr 25, 2021

RADYO KNTTN is a profoundly enigmatic conundrum of grandiloquent proportions. It draws breath from a hallowed and rarefied air that is too convoluted for mere human cognition to even grasp. To make it short, RADYO KNTTN is an online playlist of mostly DIY bands from the Philippines or who at least has one member with Pinoy blood.

Good day my fellow quarantine furballs, here is the RADYO KNTTN human-interest story.....

Hello, is RADYO KNTTN online? HA???? SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION. THAT MESSAGE IS THE DEFAULT AUTO-REPLY OF THIS PAGE. Are you game for an interview? Wait, being the mysterious entity that you are, how do you want me to call you? FOR NOW, JUST CALL ME BABY. Baby! you sure I won't get into trouble for that? WHAT PAPA DON'T KNOW WON'T HURT HIM. oh boy here we go... Was RADYO KNNTN a random thing or have you been planning this for some time? IT WAS A SPUR OF THE MOMENT KINDA THING, OUT OF BOREDOM MOSTLY AS WE'VE BEEN LIVING IN A QUARANTINE LIKE LIFE WAY BEFORE THIS VEERUS STARTED. IT WAS ACTUALLY INSPIRED BY THE RICECOOKER ARCHIVES, ALSO ON MIXCLOUD yeah I remember ricecooker they recently had this malaysian 90s punk compilation. It's a good thing that you came up with this because: 1. for the titos' dose of nostalgia 2. for the millenials and gen Zers to discover good bands lying about... When you created this, did you have that in mind? To help other's discover local obscure bands? IN A WAY, YES. WE WANTED TO MAKE SOMETHING THAT WILL LET PEOPLE HEAR BANDS THAT ARE OLD AND NEW WITH THE EMPHASIS THAT THEY ARE PINOY OR HAVE PINOY MEMBERS WETHER THEY'RE IN THE PHILIPPINES OR NOT. OBSCURE OR NOT, WE FEATURE MOSTLY BANDS WE ACTUALLY LISTEN TO AND LIKE. And the songs come from your personal archives? SOME WE DON'T LIKE REALLY, BUT FEATURE THEM TO GET THE WORD OUT. MOST ARE FROM OUR ARCHIVES, OTHERS ARE SOURCED FROM THE INTERNET. that's very hmmm how do you say it... neutral of you to feature even those you don't like, that's rare and admirable. THERE ARE SOME BANDS THAT WE WOULD NEVER FEATURE. IT'S EITHER BECAUSE WE REALLY DON'T LIKE 'EM OR WE HAVE ISSUES WITH SOMEONE FROM THE BAND. BUT WE'LL ACTUALLY INCLUDE 'EM JUST TO FUCK AROUND. I THINK WE LIKE TO CONTRADICT OURSELVES ALSO. WHAT I'VE SAID SUDDENLY DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. OH WELL...

hahaha How does the RADYO KNTTN staff / crew / young interns deliberate and decide on the theme or lineup per compilation SOMETIMES WE'D COME UP WITH SOME KIND OF A THEME LIKE WHAT WE DID WITH EPISODE 7.5, 8.5, 9, 13 AND THE COVERS SPECIAL. LATELY, WE JUST THROW SOME STUFF IN THAT ARE NEWLY RELEASED (BASED ON OUR SOCMED FEEDS) OR SOMETHING WE JUST FOUND ON THE NET AND ADD SOME OLD SONGS IN BETWEEN. THERE'S NO DEFINITE RECIPE. WE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A DEFINED LENGTH PER EPISODE BEFORE. NOW WE'VE KEPT IT DOWN TO 60 MINUTES. Earlier we talked about you guys including bands you don't actually like, how about the bands you reaaaalllly like.. personally I was really buzzed to find good metal and grindcore bands in your episodes. My favorite, well one of my favorite was #34 starting off with Skwats and a bunch of other bands I didn't know about NICE. THAT MEANS YOU REALLY LISTEN TO THE SHOWS. OH MAN, THAT'S A HARD QUESTION. GINSENG LUZON, ISVARAH, THE BEAUTY OF DOUBT, MONOCHROME, KILLRATIO, MOSCOW OLYMPICS, URBAN BANDITS, LEGARDA, BIOFEEDBACK, EYES OF FIRE, GOODLEAF, AND SO MUCH MORE... WE ARE ALSO BLOWN AWAY BY SOME OF THE NEWER BANDS WE JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT. AND THERE'S A LOT OF 'EM. Yeah honestly at first, I thought that bands on the earlier lists would just be regurgitated in the later ones, but I started seeing names I don't recognize. AIN'T THAT GREAT? SOMETIMES WE COME ACROSS A BAND THAT'S BEEN AROUND YET WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT AND THEN, BAM! WE END UP LISTENING TO 'EM ALL DAY AND SOMETIMES FOR WEEKS ON END. Yeah, it changes your perspective on a band you haven't really focused on before. I have a ton of serious questions but nahh fuck it, come up with a word or phrase with the following: Baby boomers - Gen Xers - Millenials - Gen Zers - just anything that pops up in your mind Local Stoners - Banjo Figueroa - Duterte - Local Indie - Hipsters - Records - Incidental Afterthought - Mainstream Music - darkwave IDB Club Dredd Ten02 Pale Pilsen Tanduay breakfast mp3 wav flac Internet Zines Joey Santiago Moonpools... 4AD

( RADYO KNTTN replied with: ) Baby boomers - PARE Gen Xers - BRO Millenials - DUDE Gen Zers - GUYS Local Stoners - DOOOOOM Banjo Figueroa - TUNER Duterte - TAE Local Indie - OK Hipsters - NYEH Records - ADDICTION Incidental Afterthought - WORDSLINGER Mainstream Music - NO THANKS Darkwave - TSY IDB - SUCAT Club Dredd - RED ROCKS Ten02 - DIYPINOYHCPUNK Pale Pilsen - ASHARAP Tanduay - LAPAD breakfast - COFFEE mp3 - VBR wav - FORM flac - LOSSLESS Internet - CONNECT Zines - ESSENTIALS Joey Santiago - KABAYAN Moonpools... - OOOOOHITSSAIDANDONE 4AD - ETHEREAL

What bands do you wish had at least has 1 Pinoy member so you can add them on the list? IDLEWILD Which reality do you lean on more... 1. Sucks that the difficulty for a band, collective, diy prod to release music in physical format & put up shows is worsening 2. Good that bands and collectives are finding it harder to do the above so we can see who the real DIY motherfuckers are 3! IS THAT WHAT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW? IS IT REALLY THAT HARD? I THINK IT ALL BOILS DOWN TO DEDICATION. WHAT I WANT TO SEE IS BANDS RECORDING MUSIC REGULARLY AND PUTTING THEM OUT AS TANGIBLE GOODS. STREAMING IS GOOD BUT NOTHING BEATS BEING ABLE TO HOLD THE CD/TAPE/VINYL WITH YOUR HANDS. AND PLEASE INCLUDE THE LYRICS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. BESIDES THE MUSIC, WE ALSO WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU'RE ALL ABOUT. THE MESSAGE, IF THERE'S ANY. AND IF YOU'VE SOLD OUT PHYSICAL COPIES OF YOUR MUSIC, PUT 'EM ONLINE AND NOT LET IT BE A RARE COMMODITY BECAUSE YOU ONLY PRESSED XX COPIES. THAT'S JUST ME THINKING OUT LOUD. I hope that is clear enough for everyone to ponder on! Thank you for saying that concisely. Although the convenience of releasing music digitally is undeniable or is it just an excuse? IT'S STILL BETTER THAN HAVING NO RELEASE AT ALL. BUT IF YOU PRIORITIZE RELEASING SHIRTS THAN MUSIC, THEN THAT'S A DIFFERENT STORY. hoho I even saw a sticker release once, but it was a non underground band. Apart from new stuff like noise acts, do you just stick to the old genres or are you fans of some new sub genres popping out of the woodwork today? I don't know what they're called anymore to be honest... doomgaze, dbeat shoegaze lol THERE'S TOO MANY SUBGENRE NOWADAYS. IF WE LIKE SOMETHING, WE LISTEN TO IT REGARDLESS OF THE GENRE.

RADYO KNTTN posts playlists of songs you already have... is that how it's gonna be permanently? What if kids out there find out about you and want to send you their stuff? are you open to that? WE'VE TALKED ABOUT THAT AND ARE STILL UNDECIDED ON WHAT TO DO. THE THING WITH ASKING FOR SUBMISSIONS OR ACCEPTING THEM IS WHAT IS ASKED OF IN RETURN. WE DON'T WANNA BE OBLIGATED TO INCLUDE A BAND IN A PLAYLIST JUST BECAUSE THEY SENT US THEIR SONG/S. WE HAVE TO LIKE IT. SO UNLESS THEY'RE OK WITH THAT, MAYBE WE'LL BE OPEN TO THAT IN THE FUTURE. THE THING IS, WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF SHIT TO PLAY AND WE DON'T WANNA BORE YOU WITH THE SAME OL' BANDS OVER AND OVER AGAIN. SO WE'LL SEE... Good point, you know me and I'm sure you know what my opinion is on that hehe. (RADYO KNTTN replies with a fist emoji) Do you still edit the music files to improve quality or do you upload it as it is? WE JUST TRY TO KEEP IT AT THE SAME LEVELS EXCEPT FOR SOME TAPE/CASSETTE RIPS. WE TWEAK IT A BIT TO SOUND BETTER. WE'RE NOT AUDIO ENGINEERS OR WHATEVER BUT WE DO WHAT WE CAN. and all the playlists have download links right? YES. IT'S ALL DOWNLOADABLE THROUGH ARCHIVE.ORG AND AT MEGA.NZ. ARCHIVE.ORG MEGA Thank you! This would be very helpful! YOU'RE WELCOME! ENJOY! Will you be making any statements soon or will you just let the playlists speak for RADYO KNTTN? AS YOU'VE NOTICED WE SELDOM POST ANYTHING BESIDES THE LINKS. WE USE PSEUDONYMS SO THE FOCUS WOULD BE ON THE MUSIC AND THE BANDS, NOT WHO'S BEHIND RADYO KNTTN. LET THE MUSIC SPEAK FOR ITSELF, AND IF YOU DIG IT, THEN WE'RE HAPPY. IF IT OFFENDS OR ANNOYS YOU, WE'RE STILL HAPPY. Is a physical release possible at all or is it too complicated because of copyrights, permissions and all that? A PHYSICAL RELEASE IS OUT OF THE QUESTION. WE'D HAVE TO ASK BANDS' PERMISSION AND WHAT NOT. WE'D RATHER DO AWAY WITH ALL THAT. STREAMING IS THE WAY FOR US. WE GET AWAY WITH STEALING THEIR MUSIC FROM THE INTERNET. SO FAR, NOBODY'S COMPLAINING EVEN WITH THE DOWNLOADABLE MP3S. I GUESS THEY DON'T MIND. And they shouldn't cause no one's making money from it anyway and bulk of the bands are DIY. Well I guess I have asked you just enough questions to give people an idea of what RADYO KNTTN is without revealing too much hehe and as you've said it's preferable to let the music speak for itself in this case. THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO TALK TO US. THANK YOU TO THE BANDS FOR THE MUSIC.






the more you understand it, the more it becomes pointless

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