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For those who do not know, Syeril is vocalist / visual creator for highly revered Southern Tagalog Thrash unit, CHOKE COCOI...

CHOKE COCOI is one of the very few underground bands out here who has mastered the art of presenting messages in both cerebral and visceral ways.

PNNP is beyond euphoric to share some of Syeril's creations. Check out the links at the end!

Syeril Powsa has nothing to say about herself right now (April 2021), cuz she is just trying to stay alive. But her only dream is for the world to be a better place for all beings and for the evils to suffer as much as they did to others.

All illustrations were digitally made except for ‘catskull’ and ‘generic faces’


Things That Repeat (2020) My take on how exhausting it was to experience the same things over and over again.


Generic Faces 2019. I drew this on a sticker paper btw and gave it out to people. They are just tired.


Untitled 2019. What we see depends on our perspectives and our biased judgements over it, unless we seek things beyond our own knowledge.

Untitled 2019. It’s just faces within our face.


Live. Die. Repeat 2019 We experience chaos to progression like it was infinity, but thinking about it now, it seems like a stagnant energy cuz it was just enclosed in one location, on the other hand to progress is to expand and contract and acquire from internal and external forces.


Untitled 2018 (or i forgot) this is inspired by lumad kids who suffer the most due to intense militarization in their community.


Untitled 2019. i guess this is just me trying to convey how chaotic it was inside my head that time and the yearning to expand consciousness.


Skullcat 2015. I just love cats and the cat skull is also this much appealing.





the more you understand it, the more it becomes pointless

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