The space for this interview's title is not big enough for this man's active projects which range from zines to bands and an offshore (Dubai) D.I.Y. / Pinoy Migrant collective that has brought and toured a ton of foreign and local bands... Rising from the depths of the Flowergrave and Sampcore crew, Ladies and Losers please welcome Marcore Flores...

Hello Marco, I hope you and your family along with all our friends are ok, How are you doing and where are you at right now? Hi Arch, as to our situation, were all safe and doing fine here in DUBAI, currently on a lockdown mode and working from home is what makes me busy nowadays. How about you in your camp? Any news? Most of us are trapped inside our homes waiting it out. But we're all vigilant on what's happening around. How about everyone else there in AARRGGHH & our kababayans there? Thats still good to hear from your side that you’re all safe. Here is quite the same, some of us are stuck inside the house, though you may avail of the permit to go out once in a while for urgent necessities. For our AARRGGHH krew, were all safe, some are no work no pay particularly those whose assigned at the Restaurants and Sales (Malls). Most of us in the krew are work from home. But our kababayans badly needed the help of each other in times like this. Some suffered a lot and lost their jobs due to Pandemic. AARRGGHH Krew I think is one of the most active & important Pinoy Underground scenes outside of the country together with our friends in the West Coast and NY. Can you run us through the history, and how it came to be? In the middle east, I think yes. The underground scene in Dubai started long time ago, as you cannot organize a gig or show here even for a small event with music without permit from the Government. I can say that UAE particularly Dubai is active even before AARRGGHH krew started. I saw live videos of punk and hardcore bands here since early 2000, but all are secretly organize and just for their own circle of friends. Be it on a metal show or punk hardcore shows. But in 2015, a year after I arrived in UAE, we come up to an idea of having a group in which we called AARRGGHH KOLEKTIB, and from then we started to organize shows for local bands here until we came up to opening our channel and invite foreign bands as well. AARRGGHH Kolektib are pure pinoy homegrown skills and diy passion. Though our foreign friends are always welcome as we already considered this as a family and community for everyone with the same passion.

What challenges did you have to hurdle through to get the collective going apart from being away and under strict laws? Several issues before are lack of good and safe venue, equipments such like drum set and PA system, the public announcement as we need to be careful of posting the shows due to lack of permit and financial matters. As time goes by, were able to settle those issues and that we are capable now of doing shows in some areas by renting a place like warehouse, building basement, villas, roof tops, coffee shops and some pubs/bars that normally caters variety type of music. Hopefully in the near future, permit will be taken out in the rules and that noise and music could be played seriously and openly in the countries from the middle east.

You make it sound so simple, doing that in a foreign land with a different culture. Knowing you, you used some gangster negotiation technique hah! Doing this alone will be very difficult for anyone, that is why AARRGGHH KOLEKTIB came. Being part of this family is a blessing in disguise for me whose reason for coming here is much serious than working my ass half of my day. Good thing here is everyone could used their own resources and skill, we have sound technician in our circle who manages everything on and off the stage, we have sales and marketing skilled buddies who volunteer for that related duty, we have i.t and logistic team also, each and everyone contributed to the success of the show. But of course, talking to venue and equipment owner are the most needed technique or should I say talent that one may possess. Without that, everything is nothing. This is mutual aid where everyone in our krew volunteer for what they know their expertise. That what makes the whole thing easy and simple.

How many shows have you done so far? And which are the craziest ones? Not just me but the whole Krew, so far, around 22 foreign bands, 1 solo tour by KIYASU, and tons of local shows where we usually meet and get together. The challenges for those foreign touring bands are the place where they can stay, like for CORBATA (Japan) and KIYASU (Sete Star Sept) they stayed at my place before. But most of the time we rented a nice place for them to stay so that they can be more comfortable before and after the show. Hospitality to the fullest is what it is. Pinoy are known to that. But for the most craziest shows we ever had? I can say the Department of Correction (France) / Corbata (Japan) tour in 2015 as it is our first foreign visitors. Secondly, BENIGHTED (france) due to the last minute cancellation of the venue, Four bands from Japan and the Choke Cocoi tour in the same month of November 2019 to name a few.
Based on the number of bands you've brought it appears it was much easier to organize shows there compared here. Is it plainly because you all have jobs there? I can say yes, maybe because Dubai is accessible to foreign bands from Europe and US, or they are curious of the scene here also. But were all busy here due to work related issues. We don’t know exactly how we manage all of that. But everytime we are there, it all became simple. The whole krew is very dedicated as I can say so we don’t need to worries about organizing a show here. So please come as soon as possible. Hahaha
with the great KIYASU
Yeah we've discussed it and No One Wins will hopefully save up some money soon.
Anyway, take us back to your underground roots here and give us a piece of history. How did it all start for you?
Thats good to hear. Were excited. Back in my high-school days, I often listened to punk rock and local rock music. I get to know some bands back then through my neighbors. Everytime they drink outside our house, their soundtrip invited me to hang out with them. We attended shows without our parents permission and was able to watch the brave new world with the Wuds, PhilVio, A.D.A and others. Then I entered college and meet new friends who are into the same music taste. We formed a punk rock pussy band before. We do covers from Ramones, Rancid and MxPx. Then I met those crusty fuckers who introduce me to some anarcho punk and grindcore stuffs which greatly influenced my music taste till now.
I'm from Caloocan, and sometimes before there is an underground gig there and nearby areas like Malabon and Navotas. So for me punk is everywhere. The networks are widely spread around the globe. Tandem is one of the most influential place for me back then where I usually bought cassettes and cds from the defunct shop nizzle dazzle and to hangout to some info shop and of course the middle finger.
Ooooh Caloocan! I remember 7th avenue where you can get cough medicine I think it's Swan Pharmacy haha
Yes, Caloocan is one of the ghetto place to lived in. The everyday struggle of fighting for your food and place to stay are the most challenging experienced we had before there.
In terms of pharmacy, I never heard of that Swan Pharmacy because I do barter / trade already even before and was not comfortable buying from any pharmacy.
You first got involved with the Sampcore crew right? Yes, those were part of the crusty circle we had before from our school and from Sampaloc. I came to know them from my friends, and as I’ve mentioned, Tandem is one of the most influential place for me as I get to hang out with them at the info shop and do soundtrip, drink booze and share stories from the most craziest experience up to the most serious ones. We met once in a while before. We shared a lot of good and unforgettable memories that I will cherished till the rest of my life.

When did you start playing heavier and faster stuff. what other bands did you have before Vex?
Sometime in 2004, Dha of Standfast formed a band named DISSENT NOISE and that I was tasked to play guitar together with my other school mate from Lyceum. The band was influenced by anarcho and hardcore bands such as Antischism, Anti Product, Detestation and Walls of Jericho. We played only one show during the anniversary of Sampcore and Radiation Area Info Punk Shop held at the covered court in Pureza, Sta. Mesa.
Our band did not last long, as our drummer Mark Tagorda suddenly left and later we found out that he already transferred school.
On October 2004, me, our guitarist and bassist decided to formed another band, and that we agreed to play a much heavier stuffs. Then thats the time we started VEX. But our first name is UNPREPARED as we often play shows without practice and even we are not in the line up. After a few shows, we agreed to change our band name to VEX which for me that start a good point of taking it more seriously. We were able to release a demo (CUM AND TASTE OUR REVENGE in 2005, full length (CAPITALISM IS CANNIBALISM) in 2008 and the last album (AMPUTATE THE WARLORD) is in 2010-2011.
On 2006, I also formed another band named DEAD ON THE SPOT (DOTS) and we played dbeat hardcore crust. Due to us being lazy, we don’t release anything aside from our frustrations and hatred.
And how did Flowergrave came into the picture? FlowerGrave if I’m not mistaken, it is the idea of the Late Archi Lavariaz, the lone vocalist of Guerra Mundial and the proud author of the zine Breakfast Insomnia. We talked about that sometime in 2008-2009 as a joke and later became more serious because of our habitual enjoyment of the medical herb. FlowerGrave is nothing but a family to me and to my friends and in this circle we found the respect, support and care of each other.

All Hail the Late Tukayo, R.I.P. ! Although you haven't let me score a copy of Confront yet, I know you're on your 4th issue, congrats...
Please give us an idea on your process for creating each issue of Confront
I don’t know exactly if I was not able to hand you a copy of my zine before, 1st and 2nd copy are both full size (A4) cut and paste zine. Release back in 2006 and 2008, then in 2011 the 3rd issue is a split issue with REAL TIGHT CREW done by our brother Joab of Death Wish Unit / Gun Shot Wounds.
Then after almost a decade, I released the 4th issue here in Dubai through the help of my buddy Gyand Arreglo, a drunk mofo from Lucena.
For the 1st and 2nd issue, its very difficult as I need to cut and paste everything. I’m not the techy guy and photoshop and adobe is a crazy thing for me. So for the 3rd issue, Joab helped me on the layout part, same with the 4th issue as gyand done it for me. The feeling is overwhelming and I am very happy to share CONFRONT ZINE again to the readers.
What happened with Coma Mierda's lineup? A small drinking session became the beginning of the journey of the band whose only goal is to bring some hardcore punk in Dubai. Marcore (Vox), Bigle (Guitar) and R.A (Drums) came up to an idea of forming a band and play live anywhere in UAE. They hooked up Ken (Bass) to join them and immediately prepared some original compositions. Few months after, they played on Department of Correction (France) and Corbata (Japan) UAE tour sometime in October 2015. Several shows had past and Ken needs to go back to Philippines for personal reason. Without hesitation, Wendell replaced him on his bass duties to continue the band main purpose of annoying our listeners. Sometime in 2018, R.A decided to pursue his personal life as he begin to focus on his growing family. From then, COMA MIERDA convinced Jayson a.k.a Tets to took over the drums so that we can continue the plague of our existence. As of today, COMA MIERDA had 5 original songs, 1 cover song from Severed Head of State (Hammering the Nails) and continuously working for new tracks to add to our soon to be released demo.

COMA MIERDA (formerly known as MANHUNT) are: Marcore Flores - Vox Wendell Villarosa - Bass / Vox Bigle De Leon - Guitar Jayson Tets - Drums Former members: Ken Azucena - Bass RA Capili - Drums The demo is on bandcamp right? That is actually a live demo recording, from the original members. But since we had Tets and Wendell as our new drummer and bassist, we will record it again and will add 1 more original songs and a cover song. We are happy to share that live recording still. And your other bands there? Yes, aside from COMA MIERDA, I also do vocals for Sakit Sistema and Criticos De La Muerte. I previously played Bass also for Hardcore band Victory in Defeat but that did not last long as I quit due to personal and schedule issues.
Any releases from SS and CDLM? Did you have scheduled shows that were affected by the crisis?
All tracks are only live recording and we do uploaded in our bandcamp.
( click links below to be redirected to Bandcamp )
We are planning to record all the tracks on a much clearer version and will release as demo and full length. It is Ramadan season here, so expect no shows for middle east country. But as soon as it ends, we will organize immediately. The pandemic affected everything here, from shows, jobs, schools and even medical facilities. All are busy coping with the situation. Little by little we are moving on.
Well, that would be something to look forward to! Who are the other Pinoy bands based there in Dubai connected to AARRGGHH ?
Watch out for our homegrown talents from AARRGGHH:
1. Disgrasya
2. Project Skull Fuck
3. Devastatory
4. Gasti
5. Basag Ulo
6. Violencia Indiscriminada
7. Drunk Mofos
8. Victory in Defeat
9. Hemaphobic Splatter
10. Faster Than Boogie
11. Kontra Bulate
12. Curve Destroyer
13. Skamdolls
14. Cynthia Luster
To name a few....

Going back to your time here at home, what movements and other collectives have you been involved with? I’ve been involved to some movements back then, we do food feeding program “food not bomb style”, more on counter-culture / anarchist direct action from Sampcore, Flowergrave and non-collectives days. That's too much to mention here. But my life is so busy before getting married.
What have you been listening to since the lock down started? Anything new in your playlist?
Same old shit man, nothing new in particular except from some Pinoy releases. Been listening to Resist, Walls of Jericho, Black Sabbath, Dirty Kid Discount, Dystopia, Neurosis, Church of Misery, Aus-Rotten, Garapal and Reyerta are some of the foreign releases. Then for local I listened to Hangal, Banzai Charge, No One Wins, Eyes Of Fire, Realidad, Basag Ulo, Gasti to name a few...
Seems like unlike our titos in the scene you haven't slowed or mellowed down on your playlist! hah! keep on AARRGGHHing!!!
Yeah..thats what keeps me healthy...
I think the Pinoy culture of helping a kababayan plus your DIY experience over the years before you got shipped offshore has helped in solidifying AARRGGHH, is that what it is?
I can say yes, its like who will help our own kind in times of need. That is normal to Pinoy culture just like us being hospitable to others. The people behind AARRGGHH Kolektib are connected through passion and beliefs so we are happy to share whatever we had in our plate. I am so happy to meet them here and be with them through ups and down are the most precious moment being in the AARRGGHH Kolektib. We are family.
Damn bro, you really have gone through crazy shit, I guess well most of us in the scene have... I am glad you got to settle down and still managed to do the things that you love. Do you have anything you'd like to say to all our friends in and outside of the scene, your family or just about anyone. Especially with this tremendous crisis affecting all of us?
Yeah, first of all I would like to take this opportunity to thank you Arch for this very interesting interrogations. It is very unusual for zine writers to interview individual particularly for issues in general and I admire you for doing that. A simple message to all the readers especially to our fellow scenesters /zine writers, just don't stop exploring things wherever you are. There is always a space or time for activity or hobby you really love. Dedication is more important as you will going to inspired others for doing the same. Share your ideas in anyways, necessary. To all my friends and family, stand strong, stand proud. When you are outside our country/ies, racism and all those bullshit craps are just right infront of you. So be prepared, never let those bastards grind you down. With this pandemic hitting every single one of us, don't forget that we must protect each other, the word WE is important than the word ME. So please, keep the fire burning. Stay safe, be vigilant and open your arms wide to others. Mutual Aid not Charity. Peace out. Cheers!
Bro , Thank you so much for wasting your precious time with me, I wish you and your family with the AARRGGHH Krew of course to always stay safe... See you soon and much LOVE !!!
You are more than welcome brother, send my warmest regards to your camp. Keep it sick in touch. Much love and respect!