I remember sometime in the late 90s we were in a passenger jeep on the way home from a gig in Baliwag, everyone was loud and drunk and Emman was there seated on the rusty steps while the fucking jeep roared haphazardly, and he was just silently minding his own business, that struck me in some way, made a lasting imprint ( as I enjoy people watching especially when inebriated ) and made me realize that
the most relevant people happen to be, ironically, the ones who shun recognition the most. I am honestly out of words to describe my admiration for this person that I admit begging him to help us with our album release.
There is just zero percent bullshit in this guy to the point of stoicism & the contributions he has done for us will be carved into the bloody walls of local punk rock history. He is one of the very few people who I can say without a doubt, really loves the underground scene with all sincerity.
Ladies and Bastards, here is the Emman / Delusion of Terror story.
Hello, Emman, knowing you, I'm not surprised that you're working your 9 to 5 rat race ass off despite the pandemic? How are you?
Oi Archie! Good to hear from you, Your damn right, I'm currently working at home, still trying to earn a living in these trying times..So far im still alive and kickin, trying to make the most out of this so called 'enhanced community quarantine'. I Spend most of my time listening to records and catching up on some decent sleep. I don't do astral projection though. Di ako cool pare.
Damn, that makes me wonder... If those cool people doing Astral Projection need a quarantine travel pass to all those different dimensions they go to hah!
What projects are on top of your list right now?
So here are the planned releases for this dreadful year.
VIOLENCIA INDISCRIMINADA(Dubai, UAE)/ GARAPAL (Singapore) Split Cassette, The cassette are pressed and done in Malaysia with the help of our reliable Singaporean and Malaysian friends. When they are about to send my label copies, the Malaysian government has also declared a lockdown of sort which they refer to as Movement Control Order or MCO, kinda similar to our ECQ here. So hopefully once the MCO has been lifted they will be able to send my label copies. This is co release with Favela Records, Shitresist Records (Singapore) and Aarrggh Collective (Dubai,UAE). There are 2 versions of the cover artwork for this release courtesy of our awesome local artist namely, Lester Tenga from EOF/Flowergrave Collective and Sheryl from Chokecocoi.
ISTUKAS OVER DISNEY LAND 'Kalbaryu' full length album, this is goin to be co release with Francis own label, Love From Hate Records, Most of the tracks here are from the recording session they did at Positivity Studio. If my memory serves me well it has a total of 13 tracks including some covers to boot. Album cover was done by our Indonesian brethren, Bam Sickos. Next is SÄLÖT 'Demo MMXX', a new band with members coming from Eyes of Fire, Realidad, Hangal and Shinrikyō. If you want to check them out, their 3 song demo is available for streaming and FREE download courtesy of their bandcamp page, https://salot.bandcamp.com/releases
CREEP DIETS (Australia) 's/t' full length album, Anyone whose into Fudge Tunnel (UK) should check them out, Good friends from Melbourne, Australia. Members of Religious Observance, Carcinoid and Somatized. This release is originally intended for their SEA tour this year wherein they are suppose to play in the Philippines as well, along with fellow Aussies CARCINOID (Death/Doom) but due to the Covid 19 pandemic that plan never push thru. Hopefully in 2021 if time permits. There are other projects in the pipeline but i'm not in the position to divulge them yet as im still waiting for the band to finish recording their materials. All releases intended for this year are all going to be in cassette format. Just a heads up, there will be some delay when it comes to the said releases due to this covid 19 pandemic. Be on the lookout once it's out, It's worth the wait...Fuck off Disotor!! Di mo masusulat to! - ( I spilled my goddamn coffee hahaing to this - PNNP )

This is the reason I wanted to feature you, you never seem to cease on churning out the good shit. What keeps you driven to take extreme effort in putting stuff in this almost thankless and at times financially crippling endeavor? (Apart from the satisfaction and fulfillment we get, only people in the underground scene can understand.)
Let's make it clear, if I release something on my label I make sure that i LIKE the band, both musically and lyrically. Having the band's material release on my label is my own little way of documenting it, in a sense that i want more people to have access on the band's recorded material in physical format hence i normally pressed it on a mass production basis.There are tons of good quality demos that came out but most of the time it's only on a limited run, if a said demo or album really made an impact on me i want that to be properly released and distributed. The financial aspect of keeping the label afloat is really challenging at times but i try my best to manage whatever resources I have at my disposal..In the end when you see the actual outcome of the band's labor of love turning out better than you expected it gives you an awesome feeling that you have accomplish something. That for me is more than enough.

Have you catalogued how many releases you have made so far under D.O.T. ?
Can you give me a bit of the story on how you got on this path to dedicating yourself to the underground music scene? My 2 elder brothers are the ones who got me into this whole underground hc punk scene, since they got friends who are active participants of the scene here in our province ( Bulacan, mostly folks from Malolos, Baliwag, Plaridel, Pulilan and Guiginto) back in the early 90’s, they often had access to tapes of various hc punk bands which I’ve never heard off. They also brought me to my 1st hc punk show back in 94’, so that's pretty much my introduction to the scene. From then on I decided to research more on other hc/punk bands thru the zines that my brothers had and those that i acquired on my own. I often try to check on the influences of the said bands that was featured on those zines and from there I was able to discover more bands that had me hooked. I started my own zine called Resist to Exist sometime back in 98 ,was able to release 3 issues. After the demise of my zine , I started Delusion of Terror in 2003 (after i came back from a month long tour in neighboring SEA scenes) primarily as a distro until it became an actual record label. Prior to DOT, it used to go under unofficial names like Drunklord and Emmancore, just stupid names i'm messing around with, nothing too serious. The label/distro name was taken from my favorite SOB song of the same title..Since the label's inception,we officially have 64 releases to date, from cassette tapes, Compact Disc and Vinyl format.

D.O.T. Discography 2005 -2020
001 Vitamin X 'Pissed Off' A VX Collection' CD (Multi Label)
002 V/A 'Its All In Our Hands' 3 way split CD (Half The Battle/Play/Feud) (Co release with T4C)
003 Urbanos (Arg) \Choke Cocoi (Phil) Split CD (Co release with T4C)
004 Disconvenience (Sweden) 'Umea Punk City' CD (SEA version) (Multi Label)
005 Proletar 'Back To Hatevolution' CD (Multi Label)
006 V/A "New Names for Old Desire" 4 way split CD (Nuclear Punishment/Isvarah/Forgiveness Denied/Prayer Of Endurance) (Multi Label)
007 Bystorm (Phil) \ Pulling Teeth (USA) Split CD (Multi Label)
007.5 Magnicide 'Philippines Grind Obliteration Tour 2008' Promo CDR
008 Total Banxat (Indo) 'Shadow of Death on Dying Planet' CD (Multi Label)
009 Conquest For Death 'Beyond Armageddon' CD
(Multi Label)
010 V/A "Deadly Rhythms From The Production Line" CD 4 way split (Istukas Over Disneyland/Killratio/La Grita/Eskapo) (Multi Label)
011 Resistant Culture 'Welcome To Reality' CD (Multi Label)
012 V/A 'Underground Asia' CD (Co release with Love From Hate Records)
013 Vivisick (Jap) \Tropiezo (Puerto Rico) Split 7" EP (Multi Label)
014 Atomgevitter 'Thrash Ritual' CD (Multi Label)
015 V/A 'Thrash Detonation Tour' CD (Family Man\Michael Crafter/Injakmati) (Multi Label)
016 Coche Bomba 'South East Asian Tour Discography' CD (Multi Label)
017 Harda Tider (Sweden)\Milisi Kecoa (Indonesia) Split CD
(Multi Label)
018 Warthreat 'Raw Punk and Chaos Noise' Cassette (Multi Label)
019 Rabies (Czech Rep) \Stand Up Speak UP (Czech Rep) Split LP (Multi Label)
020 Unholy Grave (Jap)\ Corrupt Humanity (Scot) Split 7" EP (Multi Label)
021 Bystorm "Sumalangit Nawa" CD (Multi Label)
022 V/A Partiya (Belarus)\Zhulong (Kazahktan) \Egoism (Russia) 3 way split CD (Multi Label)
023 Rabies (Czech Rep) \Chulo (Col) Split 7" EP (Multi Label)
024 Clowns (Aust) \Michael Crafter (Aust) Split 7' EP (Multi Label)
025 My Man Mike "Will You Marry Me?" CD
026 Terlarang (Mal) \Tersanjung 13 (Indo) Split 7"EP (Multi Label)
027 Zudas Krust "Dogs of the Doomland" 7' (Multi Label)
028 V/A "Movin Up, Movin On" CD (Multi Label)
029 Thisclose '1986 - 2013' CD (Co release with Our Future Records)
030 Kontrasosial "Vol 4" Cassette (Co release with Sickos Records)
031 Sete Star Sept 'Tape Collection 2013' CD (Multi Label)
032 Sete Star Sept 'Best Hit Collections 2004 -2009' CD (Multi Label)
033 Agathocles (Bel) / Partiya (Belarus) split 7" EP (Multi Label)
034 Bad Omen 's/t' LP (Vinyl Repress) (Multi Label)
035 Value Last\Random Violence Split 7"EP (Multi Label)
036 Repugnant 's/t' Cassette ( Co release with Masasi Orang Utan)
037 Execution Of Terror 's/t' Cassette (Co release with Sickos Records)
038 Commit Arson (Phil)\ Shit Noise Bastards (Mal) Split Cassette (Multi Label)
039 Disabuse\Commit Arson 'Full Blast of Anger' SEA Tour Cassette (Multi Label)
040 GI and The Idiots "Fascinating World Of Garbage" LP (Vinyl Repress) (Multi Label)
041 Philippine Violators "At Large" LP (Vinyl Repress) (Multi Label)
042 Rogernomix "Aetearoa Annihilation" SEA Tour Cassette (Co release with Tandang Records)
043 Veils 's/t' 7" EP (Multi Label)
044 Partiya (Bel) / Human Compost (Fra) Split 7" EP
(Multi Label)
045 Killratio "Erehe" 7' EP (Multi Label)
046 Eyes Of Fire "Paper Pipe" Cassette (Co release with Sickos Records)
047 The Seeker "Malaya" LP (Multi Label)
048 Endorphins Lost (US/ OSK (Can) Split 7' EP (Multi Label)
049 IOV 'Another Destructive Century' LP (Vinyl Repress) (Multi Label)
050 Istukas Over Disneyland " Sons of Pampanga" Cassette (Multi Label)
051 Reyerta "s/t" Cassette (Co release with Desfiladero Records)
052 Realidad "s/t" Cassette (Co release with Sickos Records)
053 The Seeker (Ita/Arnø X Duebel (Ger) Split 7" EP (Multi Label)
054 Choke Cocoi/Tiger Pussy Split 7' EP (Multi Label)
055 Choke Cocoi "Visceral Memoranda: Collected Tracks 2005-2017" Cassette (Co release with Sickos Records)
056 Hangal "s/t" (Co release with Get Up and Go Records)
057 Religous Observance "Utter Discomfort" Cassette
058 No One Wins "In Mortem Libertas" CD (Multi Label)
059 Zudas Krust (Indo)/Parotid (Mal) "Desire of Destruction" Split 7" EP (Multi Label)
060 V/A "Up Yours! 2" LP/7'EP (Multi Label)
061Accidente "Discography 2014-2016"(Southeast Asia Tour Edition) CD (Multi Label)
062 Puberty Wounds "Philippines 2019" Tour CD
063 Wail of Sirens "Slaves" EP Cassette (Co release with Sickos Records)
064 Garapal (Sing)/ Violencia Indiscriminada (UAE) Split Cassette (Multi Label)

Is politics a factor on how decide on which bands to like?
Yes, when it comes to releasing a band's material where my label is going to be a part of, i always tend to look where the band stands on certain issues. It's an important factor for me to consider, i always go for bands who has something to say other than just rocking out. Music & lyric wise should be appealing to me. I want the band to be part of the label for the right reasons, at the same time most of the bands i work with are the ones i have a strong affinity and commonality with.
Nice to hear that! #CHAROT
Now, with everything that's going on, can you give me:
1. Your Quarantine Playlist
2. Which DOT releases are very appropriate for these very fucked up times.
Here's what i've been listening to on a regular basis during the lockdown period.
Larma 's/t'
Swordwielder 'System Overload'
Agnosy 'When Daylight Reveals the Torture'
Endless Bore 'Personal Development'
Doldrey 'Invocation of Doom'
Necrot 'Blood Offerings'
Neighborhood Brats 'Claw Marks'
Religious Observance 'Utter Discomfort'
Carcinoid 'Metastatic Declination'
Istukas Over Disneyland 'Sons of Pampanga'
The Beauty of Doubt 'The Nothing'
Bad Omen 'Unite and Fight'
NOVV 'In Mortem Libertas'
Eyes of Fire 'Paper Pipe'
Veils 'Wellwisher's Tongue'
Flattbush 'Strategic Offensive'
Barred 'Bloodstained Existence'
Sandy Good Demo
Salot Demo MMXX
Material Support 'Spectre' EP
Choke Cocoi 'Visceral Memoranda'
Dragonfly Collector 'The World is Your Oyster'
Potshot 'Pot and Shots'
The Chinkees '..Are Coming'
ABBA 'Super Trouper'
ABBA 'Voulez -Vous'
ABBA 'The Album'
Carpenters 'Close To You'
Carpenters 'A kind of Hush'
Sugar 'Copper Blue'
Weezer 'Pinkerton'
Ash '1977'
Metallica 'Master of Puppets'
Nirvana 'Nevermind'
Jeff Buckley 'Grace'
The Black Crowes 'Shake Your Money Maker'
Joe Jackson 'Look Sharp'
The Style Council 'Cafe Bleu'
Another Sunny Day 'London Weekend'
The Cardigans 'Life'
The following releases are the ones I personally pick as being suitable for the current fucked up situation we're at..
Killratio 'Erehe' 7"
Realidad 's/t'
Eyes of Fire 'Paper Pipe'
NOVV 'In Mortem Libertas'
Religious Observance 'Utter Discomfort'
The Seeker/ArnoxDuebel 7'EP
Zudas Krust/Parotid 'Desire of Destruction' 7'EP
Wail of Sirens "Slaves"


What other labels, local and offshore do you like and share values with?
The following local label/ distro are the ones that i am very fond of. Most of them i've done co releases with particularly those coming from the hc/punk scene..The rest are the ones that i normally buy/trade stuff with especially when it comes to the distribution side of things. I strongly recommend that you get in touch with them.
Middle Finger Records
Love From Hate Records
Sickos Records
Still ill Records
Get Up and Go! Records
xThinkPositivex Records
Struggle Records
One - A Records
Berdugo Records
Thresthold Recordss
Dethrone Records
MYO Distro
Donut Hole Distro
For overseas here are the ones that i strongly recommend.
Havoc Records
Tankcrimes Records
Profane Existence Records
Ebullition Records
Armageddon Records
Rotten To The Core Records
Beach Impediment Records
To Live a Lie Records
Distort Reality Records
Bloody Scythe Records
Aklasan Records
4302 Records
D-Takt & Råpunk Records
Not Enough Records
Czech Rep
Phobia Records
Strange Behaviour Distro
Agipunk Records
Rice Up Records
Alleiner Threat Records
Blackwire Records
Hardcore Victim
Lost in Fog Records
Base Records
Acclaim Collective
Break The Records
Too Circle Records
Punk and Destroy
Azadghei Records
ShitResist Records
4490 Records
Tandang Records
Basement Records
Hammercharge Records
Bullwhip Records
Strain Eyes Records
Revulsion Records
Hardcore Hell Records
Black Konflik Records
Pissed Off Records
Sukma Records
Kussotare Records
Deleted Records
Sickos Records
Doombringer Records
Wargasm Merch
Playloud Records
Grindears Records
Necros Records
Work Hard Mosh Hard Records
GregMikeandKim Records
Tarung Records
Damn, thank you, this is such an important reference for everyone.
What is your opinion on the "dying" industry of vinyl, tape and even cd pressing?
do you have plans to embrace releasing digitally?
I don't think that vinyl and cassette tape can be tagged as part of a 'dying' industry, they have and always been a staple format for ages and didn't really go away especially for independent record labels, you can say they just went 'underground'...But nowadays with the so called vinyl resurgence even major labels are producing most of their current stuff and repressing old materials in that format due to the demand. As for cassettes they are still the preferred go to format for most independent labels since it's still the most accessible and affordable way to release a demo or an actual album. Unfortunately in our country, vinyl and cassette pressing companies are non - existent anymore hence if you want proper mass produce materials in those format you need to do it overseas. As for CD's, i must say that this has taken the back seat in recent years, due to the huge decline when it comes to sales and folks who use to buy cd's will rather get their fix on various online digital platforms. I still believe that CD's will still make a comeback, it's just a matter of proper timing and if there is such demand. I'm open to the idea of releasing something digitally though im not 100% committed in doing so. I do use some online digital platforms like Soundcloud to stream some tracks taken from various releases on the labels discography but it's normally just 1-2 tracks the most, i never put the entire album online. A lot of folks have been asking me to start a bandcamp page for DOT but i don't have the interest at the moment to do so..Sorry. If ever i decide to fully embrace releasing something digitally i might as well offer that FREE download for everyone to enjoy.

Oh yes, I totally agree, I was referring to the local pressing industry.
Based on your experience with the Southeast Asian DIY circuit how can you describe the SEA scene? I know it's a very broad topic and there are countless collectives out there all with their own style & politics , but what is your impression of the scene that you have been in contact with? its ups and downs etc.
Share some of the coolest people you've met - organizers, label owners, zine writers and regular folks from all over SEA. Most of the scenes that I've been to in the SEA region has their own characteristics depending on which area you are at base on their respective countries..So it varies from place to place..I'll try to remember as much as possible as my memory are getting hazy these days. Indonesia, is pretty much the biggest scene in SEA region, being an archipelago like the Philippines, there are existing scenes almost every part of the country..The ones I've been to are those in Java Island, where the Indonesian capital Jakarta is located. Not trying to exaggerate but a typical local punk show attracts hundreds of attendees, even thousands, I'm shitting you not, like these crust punk gig I've been to where around 300 plus folks showed up and according to the locals that's considered as a low turnout. Given that Indonesia's population is twice as much as the Philippines and the biggest in the region. Aside from the huge crowd turn out, there are ton of active collectives, labels, bands, merchandise, etc..What i really like about the Indonesian scene is that most of the folks I've met are really committed and dedicated to what they are doing from running and maintaining their own collective spaces /punk house which serves as their own gig venues as well to having their own home base DIY pro cassette tape duplication services of sort that most bands use to release their material. Despite the hard economic situation that they experience on a daily basis which is similar to our very own local setting, they still manage to support and maintain it by doing various merchandise (tshirt printing, patches, pins, studded belts, bracelets,etc) benefit shows, etc..Folks from Jakarta, Bandung,Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya plus other places that i cant recall. There's a lot that i haven't cover on this but i'm pretty damn sure that you'll definitely enjoy Indonesia! You can ask Jon Fishbone of Bad Omen for more details since they've already toured Indonesia twice and he always travel there on a regular basis hehe.

Malaysia has one of the best active scenes..I've been in contact with loads of folks there since my zine making days and most of them are still around. Lots of active bands,labels, distros,show organizers/promoters, etc. I've been dealing with a lot of folks here from Johor Bahru, Malacca, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor,,Pahang, Sabah. Scene wise,,every major city, town has an existing scene regardless of what genre/style they may fall into..So kind of similar to what we have here as well though one thing that i've notice is that when it comes to churning out releases they are more ahead of us since they still have access to actual pressing factories when it comes to cassettes and CD's which is an advantage in terms of mass producing their own diy releases. I've done co releases with various labels there and i'm always satisfied with the outcome of the said collaboration.Their scene has always been a staple place to visit by touring bands as well. I got the chance to watch Napalm Death in Kuala Lumpur back in September of 2007.
Singapore, though quite small in terms of size, scene wise is very much alive and kickin! This is the neighboring scene that i've been to a lot of times, even spent a year here when i went in search of greener pastures sometime back in 2008-2009, unfortunately that didn't turn out well. Often visited by most touring bands in the region, along with Malaysia (though i'd like to refer to them as the 'other option' tour route) since you just need to cross the Johor - Singapore causeway to reach the other side. I've been to shows here that are done in a rehearsal studio, to contemporary arts center like The Substation to name a few.. a lot of very reliable folks from various parts of the scene running their own stuff from label/distros,zine, show organizers, independent record store,etc..They use to have this independent space called Blackhole 212 which unfortunately only lasted for a year ( if im not mistaken) since it's quite hard to run and maintain such space in 'Fine City'. As we all know, Singapore has this Draconian laws that are harshly and strictly implemented by the state.
For Thailand and Vietnam, i've only been there once and unfortunately i was not able to catch any shows and hang out that much with the local scene folks since i went there for holidays with my family and have limited time. So as much as i'd like to give you a first hand account, my experience of the 'scene' there may not suffice or can be considered as such though one common factor i've notice is that there are a lot of expats that are involve with the underground scene there from playing in bands to booking shows.
One good resource to check out with whats happening with the hardcore punk scene in Thailand is thru this website https://punkrockbkk.com/
They also have an FB page, Punk Rock Bangkok.
For Vietnam you can try checkin the following pages:
As for Myanmar and Cambodia, my planned trip to check out the scene there this year was spoiled by the covid 19 pandemic...I do know some folks there but i'm more keen in sharing information if i experience it first hand as that gives me a better perspective of what's it really like.
This is a hard one but i'll try to remember as much names as possible. For most of the record labels in SEA region i've already mention them in my previous answer, those are all the labels/distros that i've work and dealt with on a regular basis. For Indonesia, awesome folks who can help you in setting up tours are Ipul from Work Hard/Mosh Hard, he also run an awesome punk shop in Jakarta called Hardcore Hell Shop, plays in shitloads of bands as well like Masakre, Vengeance,Grave Dancers Union. The legendary Ipul Rose from Proletar/Play Loud Records, can help you in pressing your CD in Jakarta, Esa from Zudas Krust/Doombringer Records, One of my longest contact there, i normally carry his label releases on my distro, Aca from Straight Answer, over all nice guy, check out his food vlog as well, Ryzki for Masasiorangutan Records/Wargasm Merch, can help you press your tapes in Indonesia, been doing most of my releases thru him, Ari from POA/Djabarantas House, runs an awesome distro with ton of titles at the confine of his house, Andrash from Satellite/Firstblood/Punk Brigade/Noize 82 shop, Good quality shirts and ton of various cassette titles they offer at their shop, Roy from Duct Tape Surgery, will bring you to the best makan stalls in Jakarta, but avoid Kopi Telor as much as possible, Dani Tremor from Milisi Kecoa/Tremorizers artwork, He made the logo design for my record label, a dear friend and an awesome artist! Kunx from KrassKepala/Rumah Pirata/Klub Racun, one of the most active scenester in Bandung, always ready to help in setting up shows and stuff, KONTRASOSIAL, very down to earth folks and all members are active in various diy activities. Afril from Extreme Decay, long running grindcore band from Indonesia, got my early Indo mix tape thru him, Last but not the least, Bam Sickos/Sickos Records, Most of you know him already as he used to live and work in Makati City for like 7-8 years before moving back to Jakarta, will always give you a helping hand when your in need. Miss this fucker a lot hehe!
Joe Kidd/Carburetor Dung/Ricecooker Archives, He's like your Tito /Uncle who's really into a lot of stuff, a prominent figure in the Malaysian underground scene and a very chill guy, i often crash his humble abode whenever i swing by KL. Mazmi from Strain Eyes Records, always got my fix of Malaysian grind thru him, over all nice guy and a good friend, Alak and Wan Hazril from Tandang Records, wide array of regional and international titles they carry at their store, also involve with Shock & Awe zine along with Yuen. Shammir from 24 Reasons/Do Not Consume/Basement Records, carries a lot of titles at his store, loads of releases from his label, i did a lot of trades with him from cassettes, CD's, vinyl records. Knew him thru my zine making days, Pat from Braincell/Atomicdeath/Hammercharge Records, knew him thru his old bands like Banzai 606 and Apparatus, I often buy stuff from his label, very friendly and accomodating..Jimbo /Broken Noise Records/HellExist/Brutal Reprisal zine, I used to carry a lot of Broken Noise releases under my distro, especially when his old band Parkinson was still around. Ci Chaan /Atonal Microtonal Records/Not A Fest, one of the hard working tour organizer in Malaysia, often been wondering how he can manage to pull off one tour after the other, very dedicated. Talib/Revulsion Records, Did some co releases with him and whenever he booked tours in the region he'll try his best to have that band play in the Philippines as well. And of course all those rad Sabahan hc punk kids from Kota Kinabalu, Beaufort, Ranau, Kundasang,Keningau, Sandakan, Aramaiti!
Singapore - Shaiful Risan of Zerox Zine/Prohibited Projects. I've known him since 1997, one of the most active guy in the scene there, from making a zine,running a distro,playing in bands,booking shows and setting up tours for touring bands.He organize the shows there for our local bands like Bystorm, Chokecocoi and Bad Omen. He is the Man! Hasib Khan from Blinded Humanity/Azadghei Records, He's like the drunken crusty version of Shaiful, always willing to lend a helping hand, very active in hosting and setting up shows and tours for bands, He often travel to the Philippines before care of his previous job, selling magical carpets at various Hotel auctions in Metro Manila . If ever your in Lion City, drop him a line and he'll find the time to show you around. Hafiz Blackhole 212/ plus shitloads of bands that he plays with that i lost count/, Used to run Blackhole 212, an independent space where they used to have shows before it closed down,he also set up shows for touring bands abroad. Jali, Fahmy and the rest of the DEMISOR noise camp,despite their busy schedule they still try to find the time to play shows, help you out with transportation and accomodation when your in Lion city,really awesome guys! Parthiban from Shitresist Records, one of the new bloods in the scene, been doing releases on a regular basis, one of the most active label in the lion city scene these days. Zafran/ Sial/4490 Records/ Surface Noise/ Their collectively run record store is a must visit, wide selection of titles from around the globe. I used to carry some of their releases on my distro.
Vietnam - Everyone should check out CUTLON, band members both reside in Hanoi and Saigon, involve in setting up shows locally and for touring bands..They did a quick weekend tour of Metro Manila,Cavite back in February. Really nice bunch! Thailand/ The folks from Raw Life Prods,Toni and Chatchai can help set a show for you in Bangkok if ever you'll be playing there..Yos, one of my oldest friend there in Bangkok used to organize Yos Fest, he along with Chris Luppi (Arise Zine/Elephant Eye records) are one of the folks responsible for the development of the hc punk scene there in early 2000. Sano from Lowfat, Japanese guy who lives in Bangkok, for me is the best fastcore band to ever come out in Thailand..Everyone should check them out.
Whew , that is an insane amount of priceless information for someone who is into the scene or just beginning to discover it.
Thank you so much for allowing me to bug you about this!
I would also like to thank you for being such a hardworking and dedicated part of our scene and I hope you don't lose steam and continue coming up with awesome shit. Any parting words you'd like to share with us?
Thanks Archie for having me here, i do apologize for the delayed response though, been under the weather the past couple of weeks, appreciate the support pre. All the best with your upcoming projects. Stay safe and healthy!
Sorry for the lack of updates regarding the label/distro page, for those who have sent inquiry i'll try to answer it once i'm able to...Maraming Salamat!