Greetings my fellow arselings, put your filthy hands in mine and let us take a dive into the dissonant dimensions of Ace Alamillo's noisy art & arty noise.
Ace Alamillo is a visual artist based in Cavite, Philippines. He studied Multimedia Arts with a Major in Studio Arts from Asia Pacific College, Makati. His range of work include paintings, collages, assemblages, and found objects which often drew on abstraction using lines and schematics and their association to his everyday life. He draws influences from Abstract expressionism, Dadaism, and Suprematism. He is a member of Noisebath PH, an experimental sound collective in the Philippines and plays with the free improvisation noise duo, Shinrikyō. He is also the vocalist of the sludge/doom metal band Sälöt.

Ace performing with Shinrikyō

Ace on vocals
Miyong (Execution of Terror, Eyes Of Fire) on drums
Banjo (Eyes Of Fire, Realidad and a bunch of other shit) on Bass
Omel ( Hangal, Sister Bastard etc etc ) on guitar
see link below for their demo,
soon to be released by Emmanuel Jasmin's Delusion Of Terror Records
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